Company's Wellbeing

Company's Wellbeing


What's the most invaluable asset in your organization?

Each organization or individual is unique.

Even though organzations are diffirent, you all share similar goals:


 To achieve these you need a healthy, creative and efficient workforce. 

Your workforce is your most invaluable asset.

We want to enable your organization to create and deliver a Wellbeing program to your workforce in order to achieve your goals.

Therefore, for best results we offer tailor-made solutions to achieve the goals that you are looking for. As part of the process, we would meet with you to learn about your organisation, your mission and vision, your values and goals.

For now you can explore diferent aspects of the HEART-MINDfulness™ system so you can see how we can help you to meet your goals.

Here is a brief overview of our core training to HOME, a homeless charity (name has been changed for confidentiality purpose). We customized our programmes to deliver a Wellbeing progeame that met their goals:


Tairlored services to meet your goals

HOME's desired learning outcomes and our solutions to meet their goals.

Handling difficult situations calmly

Increase ability of staff and service users to handle difficult situations and setbacks in a calm, measured manner.
Our Solution

Learn to pause mindfully. It’ll help you:

    • respond instead of reacting
    • step back to see things with clarity and purpose
    • to make the right decisions and solve the problems creatively
    • become more grounded and resilient as you face challenges.

Anger management

Decrease in anger and anger related incidents

Our Solution

The MINDFUL PAUSE training will help you to hold back and not to react – not to get caught in the destructive and strong emotions.

The programme GET TO KNOW YOURSELF will help you to look deeper and deal the problems at the root causes.

The programme BEGIN ANEW will help you to make peace with the past and with the ones who might have hurt you.

You’ll know how to create a safe, supportive environment that facilitate the healing process. A place where people can have a chance to be listened to without fear of being judged. For examples, staff can offer compassionate listening to one another or to service users, and service users can listen to each other.

The training will also help you learn how to cope with people’s suffering. You are at the front end encountering a lot of stress and you need to take care of yourself to avoid burnout.

With the HEART-MINDfulness system you will learn to develop self-awareness and loving kindness which is the best strategy for dealing with anger. 

Stress Management

Less incidents of stress or stress related illness

Our Solution

Mindfulness has been scientifically proven a powerful tool for stress management. Mindfulness based cognitive therapy MBCT has been successfully used to treat depression and anxiety disorder. In the UK,  has been approved by NICE – the National Institution for Clinical Excellence.

The Heart-Mindfulness system goes a step further. It does’t just help reduce stress and stress-related illnesses but also uncovers the root causes. It brings about a sense of vitality and well-being. You’ll feel more alive, fulfilled and happy.

Effective Communication

Meetings more productive as people really listen to each other

Our Solution

One of the core trainings in the HEART-MINDfulness system is the MINDFUL DIALOGUE that helps develop deep listening and skilful speech.

As you know communication skill is essential for success at work and happiness in relationship.


Less busyness and more productive work

Our Solution

Busyness is sadly the sickness of modern day. We are tied up to the 24/7 global connection. The list of demanding never ends. We tend to speed up to keep up with the fast pace. We are addicted to doing things. We are preoccupied with incessant distractions. This kind of culture diminishes our capacities, lowers your performance and eventually leads to burnout.

MINDFUL PAUSE is a cure for hurry sickness, a prevention from burnout, a chance for body, mind and soul to breathe and renew.

You develop self awareness and focused attention so you make less mistakes, better your performance and increase your productivity.

You’ll have more calmness, clarity and wisdom to solve problems creatively.

Harmonious environment

Calmer places at work.

Our Solution

We’ll help you to create a mindful environment in the workplace where everyone is encouraged to incorporate mindfulness such as:

  • using bells as mindfulness prompts
  • mindful eating at mealtimes in hostels
  • mindful meetings
  • mindful communication such as email, telephone, etc.
  • and many more

Our Approach

Solid * Comprehensive * Holistic

The HEART-MINDfulness system doesn’t just meet your needs but it goes beyond your expectations because it is based on a solid, comprehensive and holistic approach that brings about long lasting change and real transformation. It includes the following four aspects:

Top to Bottom
This is about high performance and authentic leadership. We train team leaders and managers to lead powerfully and manage effectively.

Inside OUt

This is about individual learning and practice to develop awareness as well as cultivate a compassionate mind.

Our HEART-MINDfulness training helps you connect with your inner self, tap into your resources and unleash your power.

Outside In
This is about the organisation that is committed to developing and nurturing a culture that fosters collaboration, trust and community spirit.

We help you create a positive mindful environment in your workplace.

Bottom to Top
This is about the collective workforce – a healthy and happy workforce brings success and prosperity to the organization.

We provide the foundation training to all members of staff. We help you bring awareness to the benefits of mindfulness so all will be willing to participate in this new, exciting initiative.

Our Training

Effective * Simple * Practical

HEART-MINDfulness training offers effective, simple and practical solution that can be applied anywhere and anytime and fully integrated at all levels.

We provide full support to develop and nurture the on-going practice and incorporate mindfulness into every aspect of daily work and life.

HEART-MINDfulness training develops mindful awareness and focus attention as well as cultivating compassion and kindness.

The training is approximately one-third theory and two-third skill training. It’s highly interactive with individual, pair and group exercises.

It’s delivered in bite-sized lessons and adaptable in different contexts and settings for individuals and organizations.

Our Programmes

Performance * Productivity * Prosperity

We offer three programmes for organizations:

Foundation Programme

This programme is suitable for all. It consists of 16 hours and can be delivered as four half-days over 8 weeks. Plus there are daily mindfulness prompts for ongoing learning and practice during the 8 weeks

This programme helps establish a new mindfulness practice easily, particularly for beginners as it doesn't require much time: you can take a short or long pause ( 1 minute, 5 minutes or 20 minutes – it’s up to you). You can pause anytime, anywhere and in any situation.

You’ll start feeling the benefits as soon as you do it. Therefore you’ll feel motivated to keep going with the practice.

Leadership / Facilitator training

In this programme you “dive deep” into the HEART-MINDfulness system. 

This programme is for team leaders and managers. You need to have taken the foundation programme or have learnt and practiced mindfulness.

It consists of 16 hours to be delivered as 4 half-days over 8 weeks. Plus 4 online mindfulness meetup for practice, sharing and support over the 8 weeks.

The goal for this programme is to provide focused training for further development so you can fully integrate mindfulness in all aspects of work and life.

After taking this course, you will

  • be able to adapt mindfulness skills to other areas of work and life
  • Refine your leadership and mindfulness skills to lead powerfully and manage effectively.

Company's Wellbeing Programme

It’s the ultimate programme for companies or teams that are committed to lasting culture change and mastering their leadership skills.

It’s a combination of both the foundation and leadership programmes.

It’s a year long programme providing in-person training as twelve half days over the year.

In addition to in-person training hours, the programme includes:

  • access to on line mindfulness coaching courses for productivity and well-being
  • daily mindfulness prompts to take a short mindful pause (3 months) 
  • twelve hours on line group meeting for continuous mindfulness development and support (one hour a month)

The programme focuses on personal development and integration of mindfulness in daily work and life. It also provides ongoing support to integrate mindfulness into organizational processes.

The programme includes consultation on building block strategy to implement change such as

  • Regenerate the workplace where anxiety and stress hinder performance
  • Cultivate confidence, compassion and trust to deal with challenges and improve relationships
  • Achieve organizational goals based on core values while focusing on what is happening here and now.
  • Lead with authenticity, kindness and wisdom.
  • Create a supportive environment where everyone is encouraged to incorporate mindfulness to bring harmony and joy to the workplace.


Lotus is one of our 12 hand-picked talented health and well-being professional life coaches. Her excellent HEART-MINDfulness workshops delivered with passion and skills have inspired many delegates adopting mindful behaviour and habits and reaping the benefits. I myself have noticed an improvement in my leadership skills and resilience to dealing with stress. Lotus also possesses outstanding communication skills and the special ability of a coach to help her clients transform and grow.

Brian Urwin

Managing Director, Think Healthy Me

Contact us

+44 7947 070 598


The Ultimate Stress Buster Guide

Four Mindful Steps To Harness The Power of Your Mind for Inner Peace, Productivity and Happiness.

Five Minute Mindful Pause

Pause mindfully to release, relax and refresh - a guided meditation.

Coming Soon! 30 Day Jumpstart

30 Day Jumpstart to Mindful Success

A series of online group coaching and training to help you get started on your HEART-MINDful Journey to wellness, success and happiness.

Space is limited. Register your interest to be the first to receive special offers for the programme.

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